Virtual Sports May One Day Take Over National Leagues

Via PSFK, an interesting look at how researchers have discovered a way to merge the athletics and gaming industries with an exciting new concept:

Virtual Sports May One Day Take Over National Leagues [Video]
Human-computer interaction researchers from Germany have created an ‘imaginary reality game’ that combines the benefits of physical sports with the imaginary elements of video games.

Their prototype Quantum Basketball is a hybrid analog-digital game that sees real players compete against each other. Participators are covered in accelerometer sensors on their hands, belts, and markers on their heads that track the players and provide them with clues to where the ball is.

Players can’t see the ball but hear occasional sound feedback, such as the sound of a swoosh, a catch, an interception, and an announcer’s voice, so they can use their initiative as to where the ball is and how to respond. This gives the game a profound element of uncertainty which ensures the game is like no other, giving it a completely unique twist.

Lead researcher Patrick Baudisch, who is with the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany explains,

We think of imaginary reality gaming as the next thing for the living room, a large living room, maybe 2 on 2 on basket.

The team have also created a soccer version and aim to fulfil each sports sector in the future. Looking at the concept from a broader angle, the team feel the idea could lead to applications further afield such as developing software developers’ understanding of the future of computing and gaming.



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