Archive for July, 2008

Avatarnomics: Getting a VMBA to Move from MMO to CEO

As recently noted in both The Harvard Business Review and Forbes, the experience of playing online role-playing games can mold and shape real-world business leaders. As HBR notes: “…Tomorrow’s business landscape could well be alien territory for today’s business leaders. At many companies, important decision making will be distributed throughout the organization to enable people […]

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Venture Capital: Gambling on Social Games

As recently reported in The Wall Street Journal and in a post on GigaOm, virtual worlds and social games are attracting increased attention from VCs these days.  As GigaOm’s report noted: “…in the first half of 2008, virtual worlds raised $345 million in venture investment, according to data from Virtual Worlds Management…. From World of […]

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Step Lively…

Among the many early reports of the launch of Google’s new social network, I found Mashable’s one of the most detailed.  As the post notes: “…Google has just launched Lively, a new social network built around the concept of each user creating an avatar and a personal virtual room that can be embedded anywhere on […]

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A Hole in the Walled Garden?

As reported by The Wall Street Journal,  Linden Lab recently announced that some avatars have successfully been transferred—or “teleported,” in the jargon of virtual-world fans—from Second Life to a separate world operated by International Business Machines Corp.  As the article notes: “…Ultimately, expanding this medium beyond a tiny niche—and making three-dimensional simulations a standard feature […]

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