Global Ad-Venture Capitalists: We Need 2-Way Streets or Roundabouts, Too!

The other primary conclusions I had at the Virtual Worlds conference last week revolved around my long-standing interest in the global aspects of business, especially a new industry such as virtual worlds or metasocial media (see my earlier post below for the definition).

  1. I have to give great kudos to Millions of Us’ announcement of a partnership with HiPiHi to bring global brands to the Chinese audience. Finally, a group that seems to really “get” the global aspect to this industry. My only questions are: where are the other announcements (i.e. this is MoU’s chance to “lock up” the other emerging global worlds) AND most importantly, what is MoU’s strategy for using virtual worlds to bring Chinese brands to the global audience? Let’s not forget that this is a 2-way street or roundabout (since we are speaking with an international perspective) – as much as global brands want to be in front of Chinese eyeballs, there is a huge pent up demand for Chinese (and other global brands) to get in front of other eyeballs as well.
  2. The industry continues to cry out for some sort of a Global Synthetic Worlds / Global Social Media Association (although the GSMA acronym is already taken). This V.N. (i.e. Virtual Nations) would fold in the many emerging international aspects of this industry, as well as, provide an “umbrella” under which all the various interoperability initiatives etc. could fall.
  3. Finally, while HiPiHi’s involvement was terrific and the Panel on Asia helpful, where was the representation from Europe, South America, or other parts of the globe? I know the upcoming European conference probably led many to decide not to attend, but surely someone from CyWorld could have been enticed to join or the Habbo folks (both of whom, I believe, have offices in California).

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